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Born June 3rd 1959 in New York City but living in Bridgeport Ct., We moved to Queens NY. There growing up as a young child I was treated to the World’s Fair and experienced the sights and sounds of a magical world filled with visions of the future, animated dinosaurs and architectural structures that filled my imagination.


Moving once again to Long Island we were not far from the ocean. Whenever we could during the summer months my folks and I would explore the beaches. I remember seeing windmills and lighthouses during those family adventures. My Dad would take lots of pictures and I couldn’t wait for them to be developed! No digital stuff back then. There I was with Mom in front of a windmill or me on the beach making a sandcastle. My Dad also took me on the train to see 2001 a Space Odyssey. I was lost in space! I also got my first taste of beautiful classical music.


We then moved back to Fairfield Ct. and I  started 3rd grade. The memories of the lighthouses stuck in my mind the most and I began sketching ocean landscapes with a lighthouse of course. More trips into the “country” I would see barns and silos and started to draw them from memory. As the years passed my parents always encouraged me in my painting and drawing.


Through out high school I began to get bored with the typical New England style of painting you know barns, boats, flowers etc. The music I was listening to was more progressive rock like Yes, Pink Floyd, Ambient Space or “New Age” at the time. So all of a sudden came these images of surreal visions in my head and began to paint and sketch them out. Many of my favorite artists are surrealists such as Dali, Magritte, HR. Geiger and Roger Dean.


In 1977 I attended The School of Visual Arts. There I sharpened my skills and techniques in Illustration and Graphic Design. My teachers also encouraged me to explore “The Dark Side” of my imagination. Graduating in 1981with a BFA I found it difficult to find work. I flipped burgers waited tables you know the usual starving artist story.After 5 years of struggling I landed a dream job as an Art Director for a small agency in Darien Ct. My clients where Fortune 500 companies like Jell-O, Kool-Aid and many more.


Thanks to my wonderful kids, Aaron and Emily for some of my inspiration, my parents for their encouragement, brother and friends for all their support.


I hope you enjoy my Fantascapes thanks for visiting, have a nice trip!


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